Our Programs and Services

The Belleville Pregnancy and Family Care Centre provides services to women and men who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy or experiencing challenges related to pregnancy.

All programs and services are free and confidential.  

Click the program tiles for more information on the program offerings. Please contact the Centre to make an appointment with a support worker or to register for a program.

A woman holds a pregnancy test in her hand and is looking down at the result. There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads Pregnancy Testing.


A woman leans forward with her head resting in her hands. She has a concerned expression on her face. There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads Pregnancy Options Support.


Two cups of coffee rest on a live edge would table. There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads Post-Abortion Care.


Three pregnant women sit around laughing and holding notebooks. There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads Prenatal Care.


A senior women sits on a couch reading to a baby in her lap.There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads Grandmother's Heart.


A young man sits with his daughter, reading a book to her. There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads Parenting Programs.


A father an son are skipping stones into water with their backs facing the viewer.There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads Men's Programs.

A woman tenderly holds her hands over her heart as if in self acknowledgement or reflection. There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads Connected Women's Program.

A high school student sits at a desk and appears to be talking enthusiastically, while the guy sitting next to her looks at her admiringly. There is a text bar on the bottom of the image that reads 4U Education.